Secret Editorial Planning
(oh this is public? ok so, not so secret. shhh)Well, ya know, I figure why not pull back the curtain. As a reformed fashion editor and magazine writer, I no longer have to conform to corporate bureaucracy. My journal, my rules. Below are peeks into what is currently in my editorial pipeline. A healthy dose of satirical play pieces, but mostly highly researched essays on matters of the mind and heart. If you have a suggestion for an essay or self love story, please comment below. Let's keep the list piping hot!
Want to contribute a guest submission? I may be into that. Contact me and let's see what magic is in store.
- on the idea of dating oneself - PUBLISHED!
- on crystals for manifesting love & your specific person
- on black crystals for protection
- on selfcare vs soul care
- on the ultimate bedtime ritual
- on the ultimate morning ritual PUBLISHED!
- on self-authority and self concept
- on the best books for self love
- on books for money mindset
- on deep journaling prompts for a pep talk
- on journaling for idendity as black women
- how to become an influencer and manifest a fashionable life
- ideas for selfcare soul care date ideas
- on meeting your divine team and ancestors
- on the soft girl era
- on black girl magic
- on spiritual healing conservative paths
- on grounding energy with chakra healing
- how guardian angels and spirit guides work with you for 2025
- how to connect with spirit guides and spirit teams
- quit your job as an act of self love
- on how to get out of victim mentality
- on moon work manifestation for beginners
- positive affirmations for black women
- on how to use moonphase journals
- how to have an abundance mindset
- on vision board ideas for 2025
- your 2025 vision board
- manifest the best year yet for 2025
- on how to have a perfect day
- on the art of personal manifestos
- on strengthening intuition
- on manifesting your specific person without red flags
- on creating altars as a beginner
- on choosing tarot decks and the best tarot journals
- on speaking to your spirit guides daily
- on soul contracts
- on decolonizing your mindset
- on manifesting with water and fire
- on dropping the new age manifesting bullshit
- on how to start a daily tarot practice
- on 20 ways to connect with nature
- on getting your life together as iconic as you feel
- on romanticizing life
- on feminine home decor with Feng shui
- on creating seasonal bucket lists
- on using the evil eye
- on benefits of dreaming
- on journaling as ritual for connecting with spirit guides
- on loving others' blackness
- on ways to buy happiness
- on the people pleasing pandemic and stop caring what people think
- on the roots of self sabotage
- unbrainwashing ourselves
- on having identity crises
- on non-romantic heartbreak
- on spirit guides helping you manifest
- on how to discover your spirit guides
- on manifesting through nature
- on elemental magic and affirmations to stay centered
- on perpetuating self abandonment
- on scripting our way to freedom
- on the role of privilege in manifestation
- on uninstalling what doesn’t align
- on looking for one’s purpose
- on choosing Lady Gaga as my idol over Beyonce, while being black
- on the concept of feeling inadequate - the life of target market females
- on the notion a beauty routine can be minimalist
- on being a minimalist manifestor
- on calling bullshit on life as a fashion influencer
- on writing when no one is even listening, or reading
- on the infamous morning routine, and lack thereof
- oh and evening routines while we're at it
- on backing Kim Kardashian 100% in everything
- on relationship weight gain and its futility
- on nurturing a personal mission statement
- on money mindset, a love hate relationship
- on manifesting a partner in crime, aka lovers
- on manifesting bosshood
- on quarter life crisis
- on being a digital nomad personal brand, or not
- on bullet journaling notebooks
- on treating myself like chocolate cake
- on embracing the cold
- on misogynist expectations of beauty, and hair
- on doing nothing all day, and its ok
- on why...anything and everything
- your idea entered here? :)
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